Highland Lakes Squadron CAF
Located at the airport in Burnet Texas on Highway 281 South.To sponsor the event call 512-966-9761. Please leave a voicemail and our volunteers will respond asap. You may also email caf@tstar.net*** SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING WEATHER ***
In event of weather conditions that prevent in part, or in its entirety, the Air Show to begin, continue, or complete, for safety reasons, unfortunately there will be no refunds for ticket costs or other vendor expenses. And the FAA Airspace Permit and our performers will, regrettably, not permit the rescheduling of the Air Show for another weekend. As always, attendees will not be allowed to pass through or be seated on any private property unless the property owner(s) are present and give their approval.
The Commemorative Air Force is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated under Texas laws for charitable and educational purposes. All contents © 2025 Highland Lakes Squadron Commemorative Air Force. All rights reserved